Acidae and Basis: Phulisophies of Interaction

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Accidie and Basis In many theories of social construction a great deal of debate focuses on whether or not the most fundamental aspect of human nature, emotion, is, itself, a product of social construct. Emphasis supporting this claim seems to orbit around the notion that certain emotions that existed at one time in a particular culture have waned or ceased to exist all together. It is my belief, however, that it is impossible to categorize …

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…an assumption that society refers to those who can make conscious decisions about how they feel. Does this mean that the infant who screams and cries because of a nightmare is not yet a part of society merely by virtue of age? It appears that these philosophers have taken a sound theory of economics and attempted to apply it to an unrelated area which has resulted in some rather far-fetched and absurd ideas. Word Count: 1356