Acid Rain6

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Acid Rain What Is Acid Rain Acid Rain is a type of air pollution, formed when oxides of sulfur and nitrogen combine with atmosphere moisture to yield sulfuric and nitric acids, which may then be carried long distances from a source before they are deposited by rain. This pollution may also be snow, fog, or a dry form of precipitation. Acid rain is currently a subject of great controversy because of widespread environmental damage for …

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…of the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada. Did you know! -That about 40% of nitrogen oxides come from transportation (cars, trucks, buses, trains), about 25% from thermoelectric generating stations, and the balance from other industrial, commercial, and residential combustion processes. -That more than 80% of all Canadians live in areas with high acid rain-related pollution levels. -That it has been estimated that about 50% of the sulphate deposited in Canada is derived from sources in the U.S.