Achilleus vs. Odusseus

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The definition of a hero varies in lots of ways. Today, the concept of a hero has widened and heroes nowadays include political figures, religious leaders, and even the Hollywood superstars. The expansion of a concept has led to the misunderstandings of a hero and it has become very difficult to identify a true hero in a society today. However, a real definition of a true hero is to be a "person who affects the …

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…on his every task Achilles rushes in with rage and without disregard for the out come. Similarly Odysseus and Achilles are both the supreme heroes, but Odysseus is the more dominate hero because of his patients and nobility. Achilles doesn't follow the heroic code as well as Odysseus. They both obviously resemble a hero one way or another. A hero changes the society, and mirrors the values, ideas, and beliefs of a particular time period.