Achilles and Agamemnon

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout history, the story of Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, and its hero, Achilles, has remained a work of literature to be considered by many a true classic. This epic tells the story of the madness of Achilles and how it transforms him from an angry warrior to one who struggles to understand and cope with his grief over losing his best friend Patroklos. The Greek word menis, meaning madness, is used to describe the …

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…s more than honor and glory. From his feud with Agamemnon in Book I to his visit with Priam in Book XXIIII, Achilles grows from a simple warrior to a more complex character that is timeless in his complexity and his strength, physically, and later emotionally. The Iliad is rightfully considered a classic and its hero, Achilles, is a name that will forever be associated with both strength and pride, as well as weakness.