Accuracy of FAR AND AWAY

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The movie Far and Away is a great depiction of the Oklahoma land rush, as well as immigrant life in the United States. The movie is extremely accurate, and it was hard to find parts of the movie that were not accurate. The movie takes place in the 1800s and starts out in Ireland. In Ireland, tenant farmers were rebelling against landlords after years of poverty. Tom Cruise plays Joseph Donnelly, a poor Irish farmer …

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…within Oklahoma were literally full of people Sunday night. Nine-tenths of these people made settlement upon the land illegally. The other tenth would have done so had there been any desirable land left to settle upon. Far and Away was a very historically accurate movie. Although they had to tie in a love story into the movie, it was still very good. The movie showed immigrant life, and the Oklahoma land rush in great detail.