Accounts of the civil rights Movement: This essay is an account of the civil rights movement as told by African Americans living in the US at that time

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Accounts of the Civil Rights Movement Human civilizations have greatly evolved. Not only have we evolved economically, but socially as well. Cultures have changed and changed the world as a whole. People's outlook on life has changed greatly. Without these changes, the world wouldn't be the way it is today. Although many people don't understand the significance of these changes, some are greatly appreciative. As a younger generation, we don't understand how we got to …

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…go to school and share a restroom with a white person. The civil rights movement is self-explanatory. People moved in order to get civil rights, so races could be equal.. There were marches and protests to end the separation in school and in public. Finally, laws were passed to abolish Jim Crow laws. Even after segregation had ended, severe discrimination made it hard for some African-Americans to get through each day. My ancestors overcame those