Abused Wives

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
“Every three minutes a woman is raped! Every fifteen seconds a woman is battered! Every six hours a woman is battered to death!” (Mckenzie, Cover) Research indicates that half the women in this country will experience some sort of violence, from a husband or boyfriend, in one form or another and more than one-third are battered repeatedly every year. (Wilson, pg. 8) Domestic violence is often dismissed as a problem that affects only a small group …

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…Enslow Publishers Inc., 1997 Mckenzie, V.M., Domestic Violence In America. Lawrenceville: Brunswick Publishing Corp., 1995 Okun, L., Women Abuse: Facts Replacing Myths. New York: Slate University Press, 1986 Straus, M.A., Gelles, R.J., Steinmetz, S.K., Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family. New York: Anchor Press, 1980 Straus, M.A., Gelles, R.J., Intimate Violence. New York: Simon and Schuster Trade Division, 1988 Wilson, K.J., When Violence Begins At Home. Alameda: Hubter House Inc. Publishers, 1997