Abraham Lincoln's views on slavery from the years of 1861-1865

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Even from the time Abraham Lincoln was a twenty-eight year old legislator, his views on slavery were strong--he was completely against it. He felt it was "founded on both injustice and bad policy." Abraham Lincoln was elected president in November of 1860. The issue of slavery divided the nation into two--the North and the South, leaving the President with a tumultuous task at hand. Even though his personal beliefs may have led him in one direction, …

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…any place subject to their jurisdiction." By the end of 1865, twenty-seven states (including the eight in the South) had ratified the amendment. Slavery was now banned in the United States. Abraham Lincoln is known as the "great Emancipator." It is his face that comes to mind when one thinks about the end of slavery. Lincoln's life and career ended abruptly in murder in 1865, much to the dismay of all who admired Lincoln for his accomplishments.