About the romantic period.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Romanticism The art of the romantic period was very vivid and detailed it was full of violence passion and life often at its worst. This applied to the written word of poetry and literature, as well as to the area of music, and more importantly herein, the art world. There were many great painters of this period of time, with the most famous being; Theodore Gericault and Eugene Delacroix who were both individuals who lived …

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…great images, filled with violence and reality. Previously, art had been very stodgy and rigid with little reference to truth. With the coming of Gericault, and then V, these realities changed and the art world was filled with heroes, violence, passion, and emotion. Their art came during a time when people screamed for a change that would somehow mirror their need for passion and adventure. The Romantic period was just what the art world craved.