About the love of dance, told through the eyes of a college freshman. Description of quite a few dances: salsa, merengue, swing, cha cha, fox trot, waltz, etc.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Slow, quick, quick. Slow, quick quick. I hear the counts again and again in my head as I lead my partner across the dance floor. We stare into each other's eyes as our hips sway to the stuttering beat. Foreign, this place is not. Like mother's arms, it soothes me, as the fingertips of perspiration roll down my chest. A smile tickles it's way across my face as I realize there is nothing in the …

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…character, taught me life lessons, and enabled me to learn more about myself. I feel everyone has something that makes them happy. Be it writing, reading, solving a difficult math problem, or, in my case, dancing. I think the ultimate goal is to find that niche in life and go with it. I have a passion for dancing, I won't stop dancing anytime soon. I'm a better person for dancing. I'm me, because I dance.