About the hidden impurities of the industrial revolution

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Essay Database > History
Impurities of the Industrial revolution The industrial revolution was absolutely beneficial towards progress of the world from the 1800's through present day. However, the Industrial revolution was also commonly known as the "Gilded Age", due to the many hidden impurities. This period underwent not only an industrial revolution, but also affected the social, political, and economic growth of the nation. When one observes the negative aspects of this time, one will notice that the positive …

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…they did not want to prevent the companies from expanding. The government was however forced to become involved due to strikes, rebellion, and influence of the unions. The Industrial revolution has dramatically changed the world in ways never before seen. The workers were able to receive benefits, which included improved wages, education, and medical benefits. This revolution has changed our lives in vast ways, and America continues to progress in the industry and technological field.