About the Throne Speech in Canada (Govt.)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
The term Speech from the Throne in Canada refers to the speeches that open sessions of parliament on an annual basis at both provincial and federal levels. At the provincial level, the Speech from the Throne is delivered by each province's respective Lieutenant Governor. "Some throne speeches have grand visions, others are devoted to serious legislative house cleaning, but all are written to make the governing party look as good as possible" 1. This paper outlines …

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…speeches from the throne. Another factor that possibly affects the content of the three speeches is the party policies of the ruling party delivering the respective speech. Ontario and Manitoba both have a three party system wherein Ontario has a Liberal government and Manitoba has an NDP government (Dunn: 81). On the other hand, Alberta stands apart from the other two provinces in that it has one party system with Progressive Conservatives in the lead (Dunn:78).