About the Formantion of the Republican Party in the 1820's.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
For those whose license plate proudly displays the emblem of Abraham Lincoln's face they are constantly reminded of the state's infamous son, it's difficult to think of Abraham Lincoln and his Republican Party as anything but mainstream. But in 1854, when the party was founded, it was nothing like the well-funded powerhouse the American society is familiar with today. At that time, the apprentice movement was in a battle with other political groups to become, one …

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…generally industrialists and commercial farmers. (Rutland 11) After a major conjoining of these parties into the Republican Party, they were known as a solid party born in the late 1850s. It is now clear how various declines and downfalls lead to a political system that boosted the Republican Party. With a bit of luck, different beliefs and ideology the Republicans have been age to grow into a successful and well-established party in the twenty first century.