About the Feminist Movement in the 19th Century in parts of America.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The origin of feminism wasn't just an idea to achieve economic, legal, political, and social change in society. It wasn't just about women's rights and issues either. Its motive was to cease all forms of discrimination and violence against people. I've come to the realization that many people have negative stereotypes about feminists, but feminists are strong people who are pro-women and they want to create a productive society and encourage public acceptance of equality …

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…claimed that it was not a proper topic to discuss at a national women's rights convention. Anthony though, supported Stanton. She defended Stanton by addressing the ramifications a woman had to face after the divorce; socially, economically and politically. But the majority of the other feminists disagreed till the end and Stanton felt betrayed. Conflicts like these became the beginning of a breach that was to split apart the women's movement following the civil war.