About "oh what a lovely war" the play by joan littlewood

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Drama process This classic play devised by Joan Littlewood and the Theatre Workshop takes a humorous and light-hearted walk through the history of World War One. The production brims with anecdotes, jokes, songs and dance, but we are never allowed to forget that the Great War was no joke, and are presented with a thought-provoking insight into the futility of war. It was written in the time of the swinging 60s, a time of rebellion …

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…human condition and human behaviour. Guided Dramatic Play. Imaginative play stimulated by a trained leader. Nonverbal Communication. Communication without words using facial expression, gestures, and body language. Playing Space and Audience Space. An area for dramatic activities. A cleared space in a classroom without a designated place for observation by an audience. Theatrical production clearly establishes an acting area, or stage, and a designated audience area: proscenium (one side), thrust (three sides), area (four sides).