About Nike

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Just Do it. This motivational phrase has become part of American life and is recognized throughout the country. Nike, was first known as the Blue Ribbon Sports, was founded in 1962 by Philip H. Knight, a current owner, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the company. Knight's education, within the field of business, began at the University of Oregon. There he met Bill Bowerman, his running coach, who later became his biggest influence on the growth …

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…their factory labor conditions just, continued to do research on new designs and progressed with their assertive marketing strategies, it would be able to maintain its leadership in the sports-wear industry. Work Cited Katz, Donald. Just do it: The Nike Spirit in the Corporate World. New York: Random House, 1994. http://www.AdAge.com Noble, Christopher. Toronto Star. 13 July 2001. Ontario Edition, Business. Pg D04. Wazir, Burnan. The Observer. 20 May 2001. Observer News Pages. http://galenet.galegroup.com