About Hitler and his road to taking power, his life, and his role in the Holocaust.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The name Adolph Hitler sends a chill down any person's spine, no matter what religion or ethnicity. A household name, Hitler led the genocide, or mass killing of a specific group of people, in a movement known as the Holocaust. How did Hitler gain the support of so many Germans and turn a liberal democratic government into a totalitarian dictatorship? How did Hitler convince people that he was the right man to lead Germany to …

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…disastrous state, Germans turned to Hitler to lead them out of the terror. His gift in manipulation and persuasion was one of the primary reasons he had the opportunity to take over Germany and transform it into a totalitarian dictatorship. The other element of his takeover was the condition of Germany, politically and economically, which gave him the opportunity to take action. He gained the support of most of Germany by taking advantage of them.