About England. Contains Government, Rulers, Ecomony, etc

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
England is an island east of Wales and south of Scotland. It has been an independent monarchy for many centuries. The capital, largest city, and chief port of England is London, with a population in 1996 of 7 million. It is also the capital of the United Kingdom and the site of the headquarters of the Commonwealth of Nations. England is triangular in shape. The eastern part is located by the North Sea The western part of …

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…Both dog and horse racing is popular. As you can see, England is a very beautiful country to visit or to live in. Even though England's culture is different from ours, you would most likely adapt to their living styles. There traditions are also different than ours. England also is around many other places on the map. If I had the opportunity to visit England, I would if these things were true about this country.