Abortions in College

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Abortions in College In three weeks Sarah will leave for college. She broke up with her boyfriend last week and today she found out she was pregnant. Should Sarah have an abortion, or stop her plans in order to have a baby at eighteen? On January 22, 1973 the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision made abortion a constitutional right. Legally Sarah can have an abortion, but it has become a social issue that has become a large …

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…that one should be responsible, but unwanted pregnancies are much ! to common to do away with abortion. Abortion may be a personal choice, but there are many factors that go into the decision. Being socially shunned because of the decision to have an abortion does not help any situation. Girls in college have their whole lives ahead of them and if their decision is to have an abortion, they should be socially accepted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**