Abortion and Voluntary Euthanasia.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
What is meant by "Abortion"? The oxford dictionary defines abortion as "removal of a baby from the womb before it has developed enough to survive." It is the expulsion of a foetus before twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy. There are five basic methods of inducing an abortion. The first is dilation and curettage where the opening of the womb is stretched and a sharp loop-shaped tool scrapes the sides of the uterus. The foetus can then …

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…In order to live a good life, should we not make sacrifices for what is morally right, even if that means not having a good time? Euthanasia is a humane and peaceful way for those who are terminally ill to end their lives. There is nothing criminal about it. If we, as humans, are forbidden to decide when we end our own lives, what gives us the right to end the lives of our children.