Abortion and Government

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The mere whisper of the word abortion has the power to set off social and political arguments of tremendous proportions. The infinite passages this argument can lead us to, are only equaled to the amount of answers we can conclude. Through all the smoke and mirrors only a few arguments are truly viable, the morality and legality of abortion relative to the rights of women. Somewhere amidst the abortion debates of the last quarter century, …

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…Garvey, New York, New York 1992 Hull, N. E. H. and Peter Charles Hoffer. Roe vs. Wade The Abortion Rights Controversy in American History. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 2001 Kaufman K. The Abortion Resource Handbook. Simon & Schuster, New York, New York 1997 Judges, Donald P. Hard Choices, Lost Voices. Ivan R. Dee, Inc. Chicago 1993 National Right to Life. http://www.nrlc.org/abortion/facts/abortionstats.html Wikipedia. Abortion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion