Abortion: Pro-life vs. Pro-choice

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Religious Aspect. The Church's judgment on abortion is neither male nor female. It is social. It places the rights of the child in the womb into the hands of the law, which sees individual rights as inalienable. The relationship between morality and law, as between Church and society, is surely complex. The historical source of the Catholic teaching on abortion was conviction of the early Christian community that abortion is incompatible with and forbidden …

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…discrimination. The association maintains current, factual research files on all pro-life issues and is committed to keeping Canadians informed on these matters: from abortion, fetal experimentation, infanticide and reproductive technologies to assisted suicide and euthanasia. As well, the association encourages pro-life projects and initiatives in the community. Toronto Right To Life continuously monitors and responds appropriately to pro-death bias in the media, government legislation, the entertainment industry, and schools, as well as on the Internet.