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Essay Database > History
Partial Birth Abortion Throughout history, many moral and ethical issues have caused much debate. During the past century, abortion has joined this subject as one of the most debatable matters of controversy in the United States. The issue of abortion intertwines discussions about ethics, emotions, and law. One specific aspect of abortion, which causes much debate, is the procedure of partial birth abortion or D&X. This term has conjured much publicity and quandary in …

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…be one of the safest procedures to perform on women in their second-trimester. Pro-life activists refusal of allowing women to receive an abortion no matter how early of late in development is forcing American women to abort the fetus later in their pregnancy. The argument should not be whether partial birth abortions should be legal but whether abortions after the first-trimester should performed at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Kelly, Matthew. Boy, hes so hot. Bmore: Sunnyside, 1981.