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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
You're Decision In today's society, teens face many ruthless situations, which causes a negative outlook on the world when they make decisions that could impact their life. Abortions murder an innocent unborn child everyday. The problem begins, should it be a woman's choice whether or not to terminate her pregnancy or should it be the government's choice. This is where a woman looses her rights as a person. If abortion is not remained legal, woman …

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…would be best for their careers, education, or social status came to see wrong and cruelly oppressive. Abortions are performed in many ways. Many of the surgeries can be painful and lead to psychological problems. If women are seeking an abortion then they must know the adverse and long-term effects. Many years from the time of the abortion, individuals tend to regret the abortion and hold a psychological problem. Why put yourself through hard times?