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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Protection for All Ages Abortion is the toughest decision for an unfortunate woman to face in her lifetime. The decision for a minor is no easier, and a minor faces even more obstacles to receive an abortion in over 30 states. These 30 states require all pregnant minors , a minor being classified as a woman under the age of eighteen, to receive parental consent or judicial bypass. These are laws only for minors; judicial bypass requires a …

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…daughter to get an abortion? It is her body and it is her right. Taking away these privileges is taking away these unalienable rights given to us at birth. New York State realized this, and has acted accordingly. Other states should follow in their footsteps, realizing parental and judicial consent would be violating these rights. People have to come to the realization that while it may seem wrong, it is a right given to us.