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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Many women find themselves pregnant with an unwanted potential newborn. After a woman has discussed her options with her physician or counsellor, and decides to have an abortion, should the law override her decision and prevent her from having an abortion? In the United States, women choose to end approximately 25% of their pregnancies through abortion. This is similar to the Canadian figure of 21%. Opposing sides on the issue have the same objective to reduce the
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recognition of certain new facts and realities are challenging, sabotaging and transforming traditional ethics. Abortion is a concern which remains social, religious and of ethical reasoning. Murder is un-ethical, illegal and un-constitutional in Canada. When is terminating a fetus considered murder? This question will only be answered when there is a consensus on the beginning of human personhood. In the meantime, it is key to reduce the rate of abortions and protect the individuals involved.
recognition of certain new facts and realities are challenging, sabotaging and transforming traditional ethics. Abortion is a concern which remains social, religious and of ethical reasoning. Murder is un-ethical, illegal and un-constitutional in Canada. When is terminating a fetus considered murder? This question will only be answered when there is a consensus on the beginning of human personhood. In the meantime, it is key to reduce the rate of abortions and protect the individuals involved.