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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
So you think of yourself as an Australian? You think we live in a country where everyone has a voice? Where inequality, oppression and racism belong somewhere else? Well, your wrong. In Australia, we are facing a crisis that is screaming for attention, yet no body seems to hear. Aboriginal peoples suffer everyday in a countless number of ways. Depression, anger, and grief have decimated harmonious communities and domestic violence, alcoholism, drugs and theft have …

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…the ages of 35-45 years, they were found to be 5 times those of the total population of Australia. 43% of 10 to 17 year olds incarcerated in juvenile detention centres are aboriginal. These statistics are unacceptable, and cannot be treated with numb acceptance any longer. Would we be so complacent if the statistics were relating to the rest of Australia? No. The approach that is being taken towards this issue needs to be fundamentally questioned and radically revisited