Aboriginal history - on Keith Windschuttle's black and white fallacy

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Essay Database > History
What has become known as "the Australian History Wars" has sparked a large amount of political, social and academic controversy in recent history. The debate is over the calibre of British settlement/invasion of the Australian continent in 1788 and the British dealings with aboriginal people. There are two main sides to this complicated debate: The first is what is sometimes called 'the black arm-band view of history' supported by historians such as Henry Reynolds and …

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…Australian History: Part II the Fabrication of the Aboriginal death toll' Quadrant, Nov 2000 p 24 L. Ryan, "Who is the Fabricator?" in R Manne's "Whitewash: On Keith Windschuttle's Fabrication of Aboriginal History". P231 Quoted in K. Windschuttle's 'Fabrication', p6 H. Reynolds 'The Other Side of the Frontier' p1 K. Windschuttle ' The Myths of Frontier Massacres in Australian History: Part II the Fabrication of the Aboriginal death toll' Quadrant, Nov 2000 p23 Ibid K Windschuttle 'Fabrication' p406