Aboriginal Rights and Freedoms

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Essay Database > History
The European settlers saw Aboriginals as children and decided that they needed to be looked after, hence, paternalism. From this idea, they created protectorates to educate, civilize and guard the rights of the Aborigines. In 1883, the Aborigines Protection Board was established. For most of the 20th century, the Aborigines Protection Board controlled their lives. Europeans settlers wanted to change Aboriginal cultures and traditions. They attempted to do this by introducing the Policy of Protection in 1909, …

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…to lease land, giving them financial assistance. In 1996, the Wik Case declared that the Native Title Act could exist on land leased to farmers by the government. Prime Minister, John Howard agreed with this and soon after, introduced the 1998 Native Title (Amendment) Bill. Retro Active CD http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&cr=countryAU&q=HUman+RIghts+Equal+Opportunity+&spell=1 http://indigenousaustralia.frogandtoad.com.au/embassy.html