Aboriginal Awareness, a look at the culture of Australian aboriginals.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Growing Awareness of Aboriginal Culture Culture, according to the Macquarie Dictionary, is the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings which is transmitted from one generation to another. At contact there was no single, homogeneous Aboriginal society, groups differed in aspects of their cultural and social organisations. Existence of widespread social networks meant that people had to be multilingual to communicate, like wise music and dance, kinship systems, …

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…there are a great many instances of Aboriginals succeeding. At the same time there are still instances of direct and indirect discrimination. However Aboriginal people are resilient people with a history of some 40 - 60,000 years to draw upon. From this, we could say that Aboriginal people have survived through almost everything, they have come a long way and they will always be here, so we should celebrate their culture and embrace them with open arms.