Abolition of Man
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
C.S. Lewis here argues that objective value actually exists and that to believe otherwise is to create nonsense. Human beings appreciate values such as beauty and goodness because such things are part of reality. If absolute morality is denied there will not be any progress for mankind as the things that matter most will be explained away. "I am very doubtful whe ther history shows us one example of a man who, having stepped
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and James Dobson. --Michael Joseph Gross Synopsis The Abolition of Man, Lewis uses his graceful prose, delightful humor, and keen understanding of the human mind to challenge our notions about how to best teach our children--and ourselves--not merely reading and writing, but also a sense of morality. Synopsis The author of The Problem of Pain and many other works contemplates how education develops humankind's sense of morality and influences one's later life. Reprint. 20,000 first printing
and James Dobson. --Michael Joseph Gross Synopsis The Abolition of Man, Lewis uses his graceful prose, delightful humor, and keen understanding of the human mind to challenge our notions about how to best teach our children--and ourselves--not merely reading and writing, but also a sense of morality. Synopsis The author of The Problem of Pain and many other works contemplates how education develops humankind's sense of morality and influences one's later life. Reprint. 20,000 first printing