Aaron Burr
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Aaron Burr Jr., a character that will forever live in infamy, perhaps should also deserve more acclaim for other noteworthy acts during his life. Many already know of the one event that forever etched Aaron Burr's name in history books, his dramatic duel with Alexander Hamilton. The duel was the climax of years of feuding between the two and ended the life of Hamilton, one of the leading politicians at the time. Also adding to
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becoming the New York governor instead. However, even for governor, Burr was defeated. Burr was furious and after thought, blamed all of Hamilton's scurrilous attacks for his failure. Of course, this led to the duel and the eventual demise of his career. In short, while having many shortcomings, Burr was an effective vice president, a brilliant mind, a leading member of the bar, a important soldier in the Revolutionary War, and arguably the first feminist.
becoming the New York governor instead. However, even for governor, Burr was defeated. Burr was furious and after thought, blamed all of Hamilton's scurrilous attacks for his failure. Of course, this led to the duel and the eventual demise of his career. In short, while having many shortcomings, Burr was an effective vice president, a brilliant mind, a leading member of the bar, a important soldier in the Revolutionary War, and arguably the first feminist.