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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Privatisation takes on a number of meanings including the full or partial sale of public sector corporations, the sale of government owned assets, the opening of certain markets to private sector competition and government/private sector joint ventures in infrastructure projects. The term Government Business Enterprise (GBE) describes a statutory body, corporation, government owned company, and is an important representation of the public sector when discussing the privatisation issue. In recent years, there has been …

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…rural areas for the same price they charge in well populated cities. There is also a strong protest against the privatisation of monopolies. Perth's airport monopoly was privatised under provisions which prevent them from raising prices over their first years; however, they have not ruled out any prices increases after the initial teething process is over. This gives Westralia an undesired amount of leverage (from society's viewpoint) against customers when determining prices in the future.