ARCHITECT Santiago Calatrava
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Santiago Calatrava.
Calatrava is known worldwide for his architectural designs and sculptures, which combine fluid, almost aerial forms with strongly functional structure. "Wave" reflects the creative combination of engineering and movement that is the hallmark of Calatrava's great architectural projects.
Architect, artist, and engineer Santiago Calatrava was born on July 28, 1951, in the town of Benimamet, near Valencia, Spain. Calatrava family on both sides was engaged in the agricultural export business, which gave them an international
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School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University); and the Principe de Asturias Prize in Spain. He has received 11 doctoral honours throughout his career. Dr. Santiago Calatrava's artistic intuition, architectural vision and the pragmatism of his engineering expertise have made him one of the world's most outstanding design architects. Known for his imaginative structures, he creates graceful curves to enclose monumental spaces reminiscent of Gothic structural integrity. He is spanning the world with his innovative designs.
School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University); and the Principe de Asturias Prize in Spain. He has received 11 doctoral honours throughout his career. Dr. Santiago Calatrava's artistic intuition, architectural vision and the pragmatism of his engineering expertise have made him one of the world's most outstanding design architects. Known for his imaginative structures, he creates graceful curves to enclose monumental spaces reminiscent of Gothic structural integrity. He is spanning the world with his innovative designs.