APUSH review for chapters 4-6 of American Pageant

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Ch. 4 -Culture in Chesapeake: life is short due to diseases. Men outnumber women 6-1. There are weak marital ties due to premarital pregnancies (A 3rd of brides were pregnant b4 wedding). There was a pop. increase w/native-born ppl who developed immunities (Vir. most populous colony in 18th c) -Tobacco in Chesapeake: It was good 4 tobacco cultivation. By 1700 Chesapeake exported 10 mill lbs of it a yr. The tobacco exhausted land& led to western …

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…the powers against each other. Pontiac: realized that the Indians no longer had the advantage of playing the powers against each other& makes 1 last attempt w/the Fr 2 drive out Br but he dies. Then, the Lon. Govt. issues the Proclamation of 1763 which says the colonists cant move beyond the Appalachians. It was done 2 keep the colonists safe from Indians but they viewed it as an act of oppression& defied it.