AP American History - Compare and discuss Upton Sinclair's THE JUNGLE, Orwell's 1984 and progressive American politics - Bibliography Included!

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Essay Database > History
Progressivism was a period of American history in which reforming working conditions, improving the way of life, exposing corruption, and expanding democracy rose from the city slums to Washington D.C. The lower and middle classes joined to demanded changes in areas such a businesses and trusts, labor, and social conditions. One of these areas was the meatpacking industry. It was a shocking novel written in 1906, which exposed the horrible truths of the meatpacking industry …

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…hear about the possibility it happening again. But it is these books of social commentary that help improve and keep the World in check and serve as a warning to the future or to the present. Without these books that analyze, criticize, warn and question, the United States and the World in general would be a much worse off, because these books force change and reform. And The Jungle is a prime example of this.