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Essay Database > History > North American History
From 1810 to 1815, the northern states of America were threatened by a shift of power from the wealthy Federalists and aristocratic Republicans to the rising authority of the poorer masses. With the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828, a revolution had occurred, now the nationalistic feelings rested in the people from the Northern states creating sectionalism; During the 1820's, a complete paradox was prevalent, where the south who originally were very patriotic quickly felt threatened by new …

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…amp;gt; <Tab/>The sectionalist ideals of the 1820s led to a rise in tensions between the North and South. Although war would be averted for forty more years, the heated debates between the North and South and the speeches of Webster and Hayne forced the states into a long-lasting rivalry. Jackson's stubborn stand to preserve the union infringed upon "State Rights" which would eventually muster a nation to become divided.