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Essay Database > Literature > English
Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions about the opinions of people about some topic or issue. This kind of research is also called survey research. Salkind(1997) states that descriptive research is used in most of the fields, including education, political science, sociology, and economics. A high percentage of all research studies are descriptive in nature. Descriptive data typically are collected through a questionnaire survey, interview or observation. …

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…accepted as a starting point to eliminate chance as a factor and to evaluate other factors that might contribute to group differences such as those that are identified as independent variables. A null hypotheses was stated at the beginning or this survey research and it was accepted because it is not significant and it is above at a, p <.05 level, (Figures lA and IB). Figure lA: T-Test, group statistics: total Sample (n=30)15 males and 15 females.