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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
There were many rules in the 18th dynasty. But the most controversial ruler in the 18th dynasty was Amenhoptep IV. "Akhenaten IV single hand changed the Egyptian ways" (Chronicle of the Pharaohs pg. 67). He changed the religious beliefs to the art form of he's time. "Amenhoptep IV could have been the most remarkable man to sit upon Egypt's throne" (Chronicle of the Pharaohs, pg. 74) That was not the cause during his reign. Amenhoptep IV better …

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…he decided to step away from the traditional style of Egyptian life and make his own road through history. Even though there is not really a lot of information about Akhenaten, some people believe that he was the most remarkable king to ever sit upon the Egyptian throne. He was truly ahead of his time. Works Cited David P. Silverman, Ancient Egypt Peter A. Clayton, Chronicle Of The Pharaohs Stephen Quirke, Who Where The Pharaohs