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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) reported that as of the end of June 2001, there were 793,026 cases of AIDS in the USA. Of these 793,026 people; 79% were men, 21% were women, and 1% were children less than 13 years of age.
AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a fairly new disease to the US. The earliest cases were diagnosed in 1981. In 1981 the disease was thought to be limited to homosexual and bisexual men. It was
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help HIV-positive people cope with the disease. These management drugs interfere with HIV reproduction inside cells; slowing the progress of AIDS but they cannot stop it. Researchers say that the best way to prevent yourself from getting the AIDS virus is abstinence or monogamy, and not using any unsterilized needles. I hope all of this information helps you to understand the AIDS virus a little more and maybe a few less people will be infected.
help HIV-positive people cope with the disease. These management drugs interfere with HIV reproduction inside cells; slowing the progress of AIDS but they cannot stop it. Researchers say that the best way to prevent yourself from getting the AIDS virus is abstinence or monogamy, and not using any unsterilized needles. I hope all of this information helps you to understand the AIDS virus a little more and maybe a few less people will be infected.