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Essay Database > Literature > English
Aggression is a critical part of animal existence, which is an inherent driving force to humans, as we, too, are animals. The source of aggression within humans is a long summative list, but before trying to understand its source one must apply a working definition of aggression. Encyclopedia Britannica as any action of an animal that serves to injure an opponent or prey animal or to cause an opponent to retreat defines aggressive behavior. (7) David …

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…yes. Chicago. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 8. Grossman, Lt. Col. Dave. 1995. On Killing; The Psychological cost of learning to kill in war and society. New York, NY. Little, Brown, and Company. 9. Myers, David G. 1995. Psychology. Hope College, Holland, MI. Worth Publishers. 10. Rushton, J. Philippe. 1995. Race, Evolution, and Behavior ; a Life History. New Brunswick, NJ. Transaction Publisher. 11. Storr, Anthony. 1997. Human Destructiveness. New York, NY. Grove Weinefendeld. 12. Tavris, Carol. 1982. Anger; the Misunderstood Emotion. New York, NY. Simon and Schuster.