AC-130 Spectre/AC-119 Shadow Comparison Essay

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Introduction <Tab/>It's no secret that the United States has the greatest military in the world and much of that success is due to America's Air Force. We've all seen pictures of bombers and fighter planes dropping their payload onto enemy targets, but you might be surprised to know that some of the most sophisticated, accurate, and deadly aircraft in the United States arsenal comes from hallowed out cargo planes. Dubbed …

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…place, any time. The AC-130U employs synthetic apertures strike radar for long-range target detection and identification. Navigational devices include the inertial navigation systems and global positioning system. The AC-130U employs the latest technologies and can attack two targets simultaneously. **Note** This was originally designed as a speach, so it jumps around a bit. I would suggest adding in some smoother transitions between sections of the text and adding a 'wrap up' type conclusion.