A well documented case study Subject has a diagnosis of Alcohol Abuse, Cannabis Abuse, Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type, Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Subject Name: Doe, Jane Jane Doe is a stated twenty two year old female. She has a history of reoccurring problems on the work site and at home. Most recently, Jane experienced a "psychotic" episode at work and was hospitalized for two weeks during which time she received treatment geared at stabilization of the acute episode. Little is known about Jane?s family history and she has had no prior hospitalizations. Information available comes from …

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…Axis V: Current GAF: 45 Highest GAF Past year: 51 GAF at admission to hospital: 10 GAF at discharge 45 Treatment / Rehabilitation Goals: Jane should currently be an outpatient with scheduled appointments every two weeks. She currently is not medicated and could probably be treated and given relief of some symptoms with proper medication and management. Discuss halfway house benefits for housing currently until she can secure a place of her own Suggest group therapy sessions available to her.