A vivid piece of prose into Corporate Social Responsibility. Includes citations and references

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Executive Summary The following information is in relation to the issue of social responsibility within organisations. The purpose of the report is to provide a detailed analysis in regard to strengthening the concept of social responsibility amongst twenty-first-century companies along with explaining the degree of importance that social responsibility acts on the organisation internally and their community. Throughout the report several findings suggest that as today's organisations operate under tighter laws and legislation, management now …

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…M 2003, Management, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, French Forests, p. 174 Geocities, (n.d), Economics of the Firm: Moral Issues in Business - Corporations, Viewed July 24, 2004, <http://uk.geocities.com/balihar_sanghera/fmcorporations.html> Gellerman, S W 1986, 'Why "good" managers make bad ethical choices', Harvard Business Review, July - August, p.89. Freeman, RE, Pierce, J & Dodd, R 1995, Shades of Green: Business Ethics and the Environment, Oxford University Press, New York, p. 143