A very basic synopsis of Arthur Conan Doyle's "A Study in Scarlet".

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Would you do a good deed if you knew that it would go unrecognized, or better yet, that someone else would receive the credit for your efforts? Arthur Conan Doyle's "A Study in Scarlet" is a story is about two friends who meet and solve their first mystery together. Although they would not receive the recognition for their efforts, the two friends quickly and efficiently solved a complex murder, while learning a good deal about …

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…in The Echo, a local newspaper, that the solved murder was a result of the fine detective work of Scotland Yard. Sherlock Holmes helped the officers of Scotland Yard, although he knew that they, not he, would receive the credit, as he was not an official of Scotland Yard. He investigated mysteries in an energetic manner that was obviously more effective than that of the police department and he was content with the silent success.