A twist to the traditional story of the three little pigs

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Once upon a time there lived 3 little pigs...Oh yah, what did happen to them? Well stick around and I will tell you. The Pigs' names weren't really first pig, second pig and third pig; they were Neville, the first pig who made his house out of straw (as you can probably guess he was a bit unlucky; even the name is unfortunate). The second pig was Fredrick and the third pig was Wilma. Wilma …

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…the ground. Fredrick and Wilma stared in dismay. A friend and a brother had died before their very eyes. <Tab/>"Fredrick next!" shouted in a monotone voice. Head after head rolled across the platform. So what happened to the three round and jolly little pigs after that? Well the giraffe police were very hungry after their work had been done and so decided on bacon butties for breakfast the next day.