A trip to Costa Rica

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Gringos are welcome in San Jose, Costa Rica. Most of them are shaggy-haired, surfboard-toting young men; they don't stay in San Jose too long. The hot surf spots, like Jaco and Tambor, are a mecca for waveriders. However, in San Jose one can find the excitement of a big city mixed with Costa Rican culture. Upon arrival, if one chose to look out of the airplane window, they would see lush, green hills and valleys. …

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…souvenir. When I expressed interest, the vendor hurriedly picked one up to demonstrate it. I expected to hear an exotic, foreign tune. Instead I was serenaded with Deep Purple's 'Smoke on the Water.' Costa Rica looks towards the west; it has been tainted by our thoughts and ideas, but only to a point. And it's physical beauty (in places other San Jose) remains intact. Tourism continues to flourish in this land of American dreams.