A term paper outlining how Robert Mugabe has changed Zimbabwe from a prosperous nation to one in ruins. 2500 words+. Entitled "Zimbabwe: From Colonialism to Mugabe"

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Zimbabwe is a nation which has been plagued with injustice for decades. The blacks were mistreated and discriminated against under British colonial rule, which necessitated a regime change. Following this Robert Mugabe was a central and necessary figure in the reconstruction of Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia. However, in the early years of power, he was an excellent leader, and only when power began to corrupt him did the nation fall to where it is today. …

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…but has provided many countries in similar situations with positive outcomes. It is clear, and has been for some time that Robert Gabriel Mugabe is negative for the economy and the people of Zimbabwe. Since his inception to power, Robert Mugabe is hampering the once prosperous nation of Zimbabwe, and only when he is removed from power will Zimbabwe be able to recover and regain its once prominent place as the richest nation in Africa.