A summary of the idealogies and thoughts of Karl Marx

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INTROCUTION: No name in the history of the world occupies as immense of a place as Karl Marx. Architect of modern day politics, communism, and socialism; Marx became the single greatest influence on the world through the power of the written word. Marx didn't win any war , invent a life-saving antidote, or found a powerful economic state. Instead, Marx used his pen to change the way the world functioned. German born philosopher and revolutionary, Marx's …

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…York: Mentor Books, 1956. 85-97. Dubas, Susan . Personal interview. 1 June 2002. "Karl Marx." 1 Jan. 1997. Microsoft Encarta. 17 May 2002 <http://encarta.msn.com>. Laski, Harold. Karl Marx: An Essay. WSCR Archive. 17 May 2002 <http://www.raggedclaws.com/criticalrealism/archive/hlaski_km.html>. Reiss, Edward. Marx: A clear guide. Chicago: Pluto Publishing, 1997. Rius. Marx for Beginners. New York: Pantheon Books, 1976. Women in the Workplace. 1 June 2002 <http://www.bizjournals/washinton>.