A summary of Naomi Klein's Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the front lines of the globalization debate

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Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the front lines of the globalization debate. Klein, N. (2002). Toronto, ON: Vintage. Through personal and deep rooted ideals, Naomi Klein provides a chronological account on two and a half years of various protests and speeches all over the world that revolve around the issue of globalization. "Fences and Windows" is a tightly bound compilation of newspaper articles and speeches packed together to encompass basic themes of a dwindling democracy caused …

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…entails. With an understanding of what is happening in other countries in the world like the atrocities in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, it is sure to spark an interest and awareness into the debate, and perhaps even be a vehicle for social action, locally or globally. The opportunity to learn about and step into the network of activism Klein speaks to, will no doubt further the 305A student's foray into social policy and social change.